Hi Again
Spring is only 26 DAYS AWAY.
To Celebrate the arrival of spring and bootcamps I wanna make you this special offer.
If you have an unlimited group training membership with us you are automatically entitled to attend as many of the 27 bootcamp sessions as you like.
That's right, simply pay the one off $49 bootcamp registration fee (which includes a Bootcamp Tshirt, Cap and water bottle) and you can do any of the bootcamp sessions we are offering around the coast.
If you are on the Pay as you train membership, you can update to the BOOTCAMPS membership for just $14.95 per week and $49.00 joining fee.
I have attached the BOOTCAMPS timetable for you to check out.
To register for this sensational offer simply email me daran@edge1stfitness.com with the subject "BOOTCAMP MY BUTT INTO SHAPE "
or ring me on 0432 183138 or 4365 5505.
Don't forget your joining fee includes the Bootcamp Tshirt, Cap and Water bottle and I will also throw in a free 30 minute Thai Massage and a free 1 hour kayak session if you upgrade before August 15.
Don't wait contact us now.
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