Tuesday, December 1, 2009

blogger, Your Newsletter from Edge 1st Fitness

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Hi blogger,

Welcome to this month's Edge 1st Fitness Newsletter.

In This Issue:

  • The Power of Gratitude.
  • Fatloss and Ageing
  • Gradings for Kickboxing.
  • Free Kettlebell training
  • Christmas Party and push up challenge.

The Power of gratitude

Effective or Ineffective?

Did you know that there is an effective and an ineffective way to express gratitude?

Unfortunately, the ineffective way is far more common.
It is sort of the default form of gratitude that most people fall into. I was stuck here for a really long time until I found a far more powerful way to practice gratitude, one that moved me into perfect alignment with abundance and greatly accelerated the Law of Attraction...
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Fatloss and Ageing

"Kiss of death" 

As we age our metabolic rate... the rate at which we use energy and either store it as bodyfat or use it for fuel... tends to decrease.

However, unlike the bad news you may have heard in the past, age is far from the "kiss of death" for fatloss...

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Gradings for Kickboxing


I have just about completed the grading system for our kickboxing classes now, so if you have always wanted to be a black belt, but aren't intereted in learning mind numbing patterns, then now is your time...
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Free Kettlebell training

kettlebell-sm.jpgFree swing class 

At Edge 1st Fitness, we know that kettlebells are the most time efficient and effective way of building strength, fitness and a toned body.
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Christmas Party and Push up Challenge

ctree_2a.gifSaturday December 19th, we will be having our Christmas party and the conclusion to our 100 push up challenge.
There will be no normal classes that day and the day will kick off at 10am.

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This Months Special

25% OFF
ALL MMA Shorts and  Gloves

What a great Christmas Idea.

Gift Ideas

Training Gift Vouchers

Gift vouchers are an awesome Christmas pressie, especially for that special someone who may need a little extra motovation to get started.

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Fitness Equipment

Did you know that Edge 1st can supply ALL your fitness equipment needs, no matter what sport you are in and we GUARANTEE to beat any price by 20%.
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Don't pay the ebay or website prices or worse still, the REBEL SPORT price for kettlebells, ring or email Edge 1st for all your kettlebell needs.
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Don't pay the ebay or website prices or worse still, the REBEL SPORT price for kettlebells, ring or email Edge 1st for all your kettlebell needs.
I have seen 16kilo kettlebells advertised for over $80.00, some up to $150.00 !!!. Why would you pay that much when you can buy a 16k for just $65.00.
Please, please, please ring us on 0432183138 or (02)43655505 before you buy kettlebells or any other knid of fitness equipment.

Fitness Equipment

Did you know that Edge 1st can supply ALL your fitness equipment needs, no matter what sport you are in and we GUARANTEE to beat any price by 20%.
We carry a full range of MMA equipment, including gloves, mouth guards, shorts and rashees.
All kickboxing equipment from thai shorts to shin pads, 14 oz gloves, in fact any thing you could need. If we dont have it we can get within 2 days.
We only supply top quality brands like morgan and sports master so make sure you try us before youpay too much.
You can email your order to daran@edge1stfitness.com or ring 0432183138 or (02)43655505