Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Daran's Book is Here

Hi There,
You may or may not know that I have been writing a book called "On The Path".
Finally, after many months it is finished and has arrived.
It is a book about how I went from being hopeless, unemployed and lost to the successfull person you now know.
This book will shock and amaze you.
Dont take my word for it
Here is what others have had to say...

"This book is a sensational read for anyone.
A must for all families, professionals and anyone working with youth, dependency or homelessness..."
Christa Bidgood
Australian Council on Alcoholism and Drug dependence.

"On The Path is as truthful and as shocking as it gets. A journey of Daran's years of struggle, through living on the streets, to near death experience and now helping to change lives through seminars and workshops."
Richard Marc Toutounji
Please Mum, Don't supersize me.!

Please order your copy now, email me on daran@edge1stfitness.com or by ringing 4365 5505 or 0432 183 138.
I have to admit, I am a little bit scared about having this information out there, and I know you will respect my honesty.

Let me know if you would like me to sign it for you.


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