As we age our metabolic rate... the rate at which we use energy and either store it as bodyfat or use it for fuel... tends to decrease.
However, unlike the bad news you may have heard in the past, age is far from the "kiss of death" for fatloss.
One of the reasons your metabolic rate declines past the age of
35 is stress. The body's organs have undergone years of stress and simply do not perform as well as they should.
Another reason: Lifestyle.
Think about it: What was your lifestyle like at, say, 21? I bet you had far less responsibilities on your plate. I bet you had a lot more time and less to deal with in the day. This factors into the metabolic equation.
Finally there's what's called "The Hunter/Gatherer Factor".
When we're younger our body's genetic code says, "Use all the fuel you can... after all, we have to go and hunt down food!"
But we do not hunt for our food any longer. Unfortunately our genes do not realize this and go into "no more hunting" mode. The body slows down and fat-burning decreases. The body assumes it no longer needs to burn off the energy from food as rapidly.
The end result: Most people get over-fat as they age.
Fortunately this can be completely reversed in almost every case.
# 1 Eat like a hunter/gatherer.
It's an easy principal of having no habits when it comes to eating.
Eat more some days, less others and mix it up.
The reason this works so well is simple: Eating this way fools your body into believing it's younger than it is. By consuming less food on specific days and more on others, you trick your body into increasing its metabolic rate. This can happen in as little as 3 weeks.
# 2 Resistance Training
Resistance exercise is really the ultimate key. Studies done at Michigan State University confirmed what I've known for years:
Resistance training, done in the gym with weights or in your home with resistance bands and/or bodyweight exercise, literally reverses the clock at the cellular level.
Your body reverts back to its "young mode". The food you eat is used more effectively and far less energy is stored as unwanted bodyfat.
And of course you get that sleek, toned look that most of us really want.
# 3 Role Modeling
Find someone who has done what you want to do and copy them.
# 4 Coaching.
The main reason that most people fail to reach their goals is because they have a lack of accountability. To keep you motovated employ a personal trainer or wellness coach and follow their direction.
For more information on any of the above contact Edge 1st Fitness
on or 0432183138 or (02)43655505
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